Bar Refaeli

Bar Refaeli

Men say they appreciate the inner beauty of a woman, but it’s the outer kind that carries the day on Maxim’s new list of the world’s 100 hottest women. It is also evident that for this Maxim’s audience, beauty goes hand in hand with youth. Some of these women are awfully young, but thankfully there’s no jailbait on the list.

For some oglers — we mean, readers — it may be difficult to spot the Jewesses among all the pouting lips, super-deep cleavages and come-hither looks. Not so for the Shmooze. We’ve identified more than a handful of Jewish women who made the cut. The hottest among them is Bar Refaeli, who comes in at the very top spot on the list. In fact, that must be the reason she appearsclose to naked in the Maxim photo shoot — when you’re that hot, you might just feel the need to shed your cloth

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